Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dr appt/Birthing class

I had another dr appt today! It went well....I have been having a lot of headaches lately though so I was kind of concerned about that. However, everything is checking out blood pressure is great: 120 over protein in my urine,...sorry if TMI, my feet are swollen but not my legs so that is good...and I am measuring fine and Drew's heartbeat is good, in the 130s :) So..thank the Lord everything is going fine and Drew is doing well.

We had our first birthing class tonight! Haha, what an experience... it was entitled "The Birthing Experience" and I will not put details on here in case people are grossed out but if you wanna know about it, I will gladly tell you about it cuz I want to so message me! haha or I will prolly volunteer the info when/if I talk to you haha

Please pray for my headaches...I am getting them a lot and they are really annoying :( Thank you so much...and thanks for praying for Drew!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Baby Drew update!

I had another dr appt! It was a good appt...the glucose test I took 2 weeks ago was normal. I just had my blood pressure checked which was normal and was measured which is right on track...she said he was head down :) I was wondering how he was positioned...she said yup he is head down and showed where his back and then legs/feet were...she said he should stay that way. :) I dont know how she can tell but she can! haha and got to hear his heartbeat again! It was in the 140s which she says is fine... SO it was a good appt :) I have another one is 2 weeks! I will be 31 weeks on Friday! (Nov 7) only 9 more weeks! CRAZINESS!

Now she says I should be feeling movements like 10 times in an hour twice a day..I do feel him move a lot! Which is good! However, I am afraid with her saying that, I will become obsessive about it..but I cant worry about it! He is healthy and I am continuing to pray for a healthy baby boy who is growing and developing normally :) Thanks for your prayers!