Saturday, June 21, 2008


So...I am sooooo excited about this baby, but this morning sickness - throwing up and nausea is for the birds. Throwing up is really getting old. It is very exhausting...
BAH! :(
At least in the end it will be all worth it...

So, I also have a little bump...not much at all but a little one nonetheless, so my pants are a little tight around my waist and my shirts are a little tight around my lower abdomen. I have shirts now that I wear and they are tight around at the bottom and I also have maternity type shirts (that are in style now.) The question is what do I wear!? haha Sometimes I wear regular shirts and sometimes I wear the maternity style ones. However, the maternity ones make me look more pregnant and the regular ones kinda make me look like I have a little pouch so ...haha i know quite the dilemma. jk well here are my thoughts...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh I've SO been there! I know throwing up sucks! I've actually gotten so used to it though that its not even a biggie anymore. About the clothes every preggo goes through that. Its that awkward stage where you feel huge and pregnant but nobody can really tell you are. My fave. month of pregnancy was probably my 6th- you look preggo so everyone oohs and ahhs over your belly and you still feel pretty good.