Monday, March 23, 2009

Mother Reflection

So I was watching Beverly Hills 90210 (lol) anyways it was an episode of a teenage girl who has a baby and Branden, one of the main people, date her and blah blah ...., the girl who has the baby thinks about what life would be like if she gave the baby up for adoption cuz she wants to go to harvard and talks about how she sometimes wants a break from the baby but then then cant wait to hold him again...Branden's mom talks to her and says it gets harder but it gets better too... "they become a part of your dreams"

It is very interesting watching this episode at this point in my life because it would be very different if I was watching it before I had Drew. It is amazing how being a mother or parent for that matter, changes your perspectives on things. It is hard to explain what I am thinking but just wanted to write it down...

I thank God everyday for blessing us with Drew :)

1 comment:

Britt said...

good call for writing it down!!